Back in April I gave a talk about OpenEmbedded/Yocto at my local RaspberryPi Meetup:
That talk went well, and participants were anxious to try it themselves. Therefore we've arranged for this upcoming Toronto Raspberry Pi Meetup, September 13 2018, to be a hands-on session with OpenEmbedded/Yocto! Bring your Raspberry Pi, and associated equipment[1], with you to the meeting and I'll help you work on generating your own distros/images!
Admission is free, but limited, so please sign up at:
[1] If you want to participate, you need to bring, at a minimum, your Raspberry Pi (any of rpi0, rpi1 (original), rpi2, rpi3 (any), or cm3), its power supply, and a microSD card. If you want to verify anything is working you'll need either a serial console cable, or a device to plug into your device's HDMI port. I'll bring some spare serial console cables with me. If you use an HDMI device, you might also want to bring a USB keyboard and mouse.